Monday, August 31, 2009

Semester 2, Jury 1

Technique ( 25%), Sight reading ( 15%), Performance ( 60%)

Pieces :

1. Prelude and Fugue No. 12 in F Minor,
by J.S Bach

2. Sonata in E-major, Op. 14 No.1, Allegro, 1st movement,
by L. van Beethoven

3. Polichinelle, Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op.3, No.4,
by S. Rachmaninoff (Might be.. o.o)


Scales & arpeggios, Group A ( keys of B, C, Db, D, Eb, E)

Scale :
1. Major, Harmonic Minor, Melodic Minor 8ve apart | 4 octaves
2. Major, Harmonic Minor 3rd and 6th apart | 4 octaves
3. Chromatic 8ve apart | 4 octaves
4. Major (staccato only) Double 8ve(s) | 2 octaves
5. Major, Harmonic Minor (hands separately only) Double 3rd(s) | 2 octaves

Arpeggios :
1. Major, Minor ( root position and all inversions ) 8ve apart | 4 octaves
2. Dominant 7th (root position only) 8ve apart | 3 octaves
[V7 of the prescribed keys not V7 stating on the prescribed key-notes]
3. Diminished 7th ( root position only) 8ve apart | 3 octaves
[Diminished 7th starting on the prescribed key-notes]



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